Women's Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study | 9:30 am in the Celebrity Room
Led by Janet Slifer and Joyce Snell
The Bible study will follow the RightNow Media study by Mindy Ferguson: "Peter-Eyewitness to Majesty: Abandoning Self for Christ"The apostle Peter is mentioned more times in the four gospels than anyone other than Jesus Christ Himself. Peter was praised more than any other disciple. He was also rebuked more than any other disciple. In this study, you will see Peter fail and you will see him succeed. You will get a laugh or two at his expense, and you just may shed a tear or two with him as well. His imperfections make him loveable, and his victories give us hope. Peter had a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. That relationship brought Peter to the point of abandoning not only his nets for Christ but all of his ambitions and selfish desires as well. The same relationship that Peter had with Jesus is available to every believer who seeks to know Him as Savior and chooses to make Him Lord of her life as Peter did. The Peter: Eyewitness to Majesty Video Series (for individual or group use viewing), with teaching by Mindy Ferguson, is designed to accompany the lessons taught in the bible study workbook for additional life application. The series includes eleven individual video sessions with an introduction and a video to follow each week of workbook study.