Next Level Class
Are You Ready To Take Your Next Step? Next Level is an informal class that will help you connect and take the next steps at Christ's Church of Yukon. Sunday, March 26th at 1 pm. Led by Clay Parrett
CCY is all about real people living real lives with real hope. No matter who you are, we believe you have a purpose in the Kingdom of God. We welcome you to join us for an hour - fifteen-minute service that includes contemporary and traditional Christian music, relevant preaching from the Bible, communion for all believers, and prayer.
We welcome you to join us for an hour - fifteen-minute service that includes contemporary and traditional Christian music, relevant preaching from the Bible, communion for all believers, and prayer. Sunday service is in-person and online.
We want every adult who attends CCY to be in a group. Besides Bible study, groups create opportunities for personal accountability and building lifelong friendships as you also grow in your relationship with Christ.
CCY Children's Ministry exists to share Jesus with children, team them with other Christian friends, advance them in spiritual maturity and encourage their strengths as they surrender their lives to Christ.
A minimum of 10% of CCY's budget goes to outreach. Click to see a list of those we support in our community, in the region, and outside of the U.S.
It's the single best way for people to give and receive ministry and to feel "connected" to their church.
Teenage years can be tough, but we are here to help guide and lead students to the lives of Christ.
Our Parent's Day Out (PDO) program is a fun and safe environment where children ages 15 months through 4 years old can spend the day learning, playing, growing, and bonding with other children. Our teachers are loving, kind, and gentle. Each child receives an age-appropriate experience that allows them to progress physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually with confidence.
Christ's Closet is a community resource for free clothing located at Christ's Church of Yukon. The closet is open the first Saturday of the month from 11 am -2 pm (except for August and December) and all are welcome to get what they need. The closet also takes donations during these hours and offers crafts for the kids while the parents "shop". If you know someone in need, please help us spread the word and share God's love.
Are You Ready To Take Your Next Step? Next Level is an informal class that will help you connect and take the next steps at Christ's Church of Yukon. Sunday, March 26th at 1 pm. Led by Clay Parrett
As women, our lives are so busy. We have spouses, children, elderly parents, homes, and work to care for. We want connection and meaningful relationships with each other but sometimes it seems just one more thing to add to the list. With that in mind let's get together for lunch and prayer Saturday, March 25th at noon. Bring your own...
Volunteers needed to help with the seasonal switch over from Summer to Winter clothes at Christ's Closet. Many hands make light work - please consider giving this ministry a hand!! Men, Women and Youth are wall welcome!!!
All 1st-5th graders are invited to the church to paint rocks with words and symbols telling about God. When we are done we will take them around Yukon for our neighbors to find. We will begin painting at 10:00, break for lunch at 12:00 and go put our rocks around town at 1:00. We will return to the church for parent pick-up at 2:00...
We would like to create an opportunity for our church folks to be able to serve in helping a local ministry. The service project consists of yard work, tree trimming, potentially fence building/repair, or other simple maintenance. We will have an opportunity for a devotional at their outdoor chapel and plenty of opportunity for fellowship in the...
All kiddos up to kindergarten are invited to CCY for a playdate. We will have special story time, a craft, play games, and yummy snacks. Parents feel free to drop your kiddos off or stay and play!
Please come help support CCY's mission team to Guatemala through our Church-wide garage sale. All proceeds go to support the team and service projects for Morning Glory Christian Academy.
You're invited! Join us for a fundraiser lunch to support our mission team. We'll be enjoying a delicious meal while raising money to help send our team on their next trip. All are welcome!