Everyone can't do everything, but everyone can do something

The Christ's Closet Christmas Extravaganza will be on Saturday Dec 2nd from 10am-2pm. Donations needed include new and gently used toys for children of all ages as well as small gifts for parents. The philosophy is to allow parents to come and shop for clothes and Christmas gifts for their children while the children have an opportunity shop for a gift for their parents. There are drop off bins in the Gathering area at CCY or feel free to arrange with Kathy at 405-354-0245.

The shoeboxes will be available starting on Sunday October 22nd in the Gathering area at CCY. You can pick up the shoe boxes and any corresponding materials and then have 3 Sundays to return them (Oct 29th, Nov. 5, & 12)
Our mission is to provide local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Shoeboxes may be picked up at Operation Christmas Child table at CCY to take home to fill with suggested items and return no later than Sun November 12th.

Brown paper bags with a suggested list of groceries will be available in the Gathering area at CCY to pick up in the beginning of November. Fill the bags with Thanksgiving groceries and return to CCY by Sunday November 19th, 2023. The philosophy is if you are in need, take a bag and enjoy the blessing of a Thanksgiving meal. Any remainder bags will be donated to those in need.
A Special Offering (outside the regular general offering) will be collected in the beginning of December. These funds will be collected for one of our ministry endeavors, usually involving overseas missions that are in a third world country. More information on the designated ministry will be provided closer to December.