Small groups are a key aspect of our church community. Some groups meet here at the church throughout the week and some meet weekly in the home of a group member. Just click the links for which group fits you best.

Are Small Groups Biblical?

In the book of Acts, Luke records the tremendous growth of the first church in Jerusalem. Small groups meeting in homes were the foundation of the early church. Acts 5:42 tells us that the people met "in the temple courts" (large group worship) and "from house to house" (small group fellowship). Jesus did much of his ministry in homes (Matthew 8:14). Early Christians continued to meet in small groups for fellowship, study and discipleship.


Leaders: Clay and Jenny Parrett.

Our group is a discussion-style bible study. We share a meal together at 5 pm then a time of Bible study, discussion, and prayer.

Time: Sundays at 5:00 pm
Place: CCY South Building
Age Group: All adults


The Midlander group offers Bible study through video and discussion format. The facilitator varies weekly. We gather at 5 pm for a time of  study, discussion and prayer.

Time: Sundays 5-7 pm
Place: Various homes each week. Contact: Kathy              (405.254.0345)

 Age group: Mid-age

No childcare provided


The Bible says in Galatians 6:2, "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ" (NIV). 

Time:  Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Library at CCY. Join in for the family meal at 5:30 pm beforehand. 

Place: In the Library at CCY 

Age Group: Mostly retired age, but not limited to this. 

Childcare is available. 


Led by Kyle and Amanda Meeks

The Meeks Small Group gather to share a meal, followed by a time of study, discussion and prayer.  Young adults and young families with small children. 

Time: 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month
Place: CCY Celebrity Room - 12:15 pm - 2 pm
Age Group: Young Adults

Childcare provided. 


Hosted by Kathy Stanka

The Senior Connection is for ages 60 plus. First Sunday of every month - bring a dish to Sunday worship and stay for lunch! Kathy shares insights in various topics pertaining to aging, families and law.

Time: 1st Sunday of each month, potluck after service.
Place: CCY Celebrity Room
Age Group: 60 plus